Industry News Round-Up: Music Modernization Act, Spotify Obtains LOUDR ...

Spotify, the popular streaming platform, has become a go-to destination for music, podcasts, and more. If you’re interested in starting your own podcast on Spotify for free, here’s how to get started.

Industry News Round-Up: Music Modernization Act, Spotify Obtains LOUDR ...

  1. Create an Account

First, you’ll need to create a Spotify account. Head to and click on the “Sign Up” button. You’ll be prompted to enter your email address, username, and password. Once you’ve completed the registration process, you’ll be directed to your dashboard.

  1. Create a Podcast

To create a podcast on Spotify, you’ll need to navigate to the “Your Podcasts” section of your dashboard. Click on the “Create a Podcast” button. You’ll be prompted to enter your podcast name, description, and select a category. Once you’ve filled out the necessary information, click on “Create Podcast.”

  1. Upload Podcast Episodes

Now that you’ve created your podcast, it’s time to upload your first episode. Click on the “Upload” button located on the top-right corner of your dashboard. You’ll be prompted to select your episode file from your computer. Once you’ve selected your file, click on “Upload.” Your episode will now be uploaded to Spotify.

  1. Market Your Podcast

Uploading your podcast is the first step, but you’ll need to market it in order to attract listeners. Use social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram to promote your podcast and share it with your friends and family. You can also reach out to other podcasters and ask if they would like to guest on your show. Guests can help bring in new listeners and help grow your audience.

  1. Engage with Your Audience

Podcast listeners are important, so make sure to engage with them regularly. Reply to their comments and messages on social media and interact with them on your podcast’s Facebook group or forum. This will help build a loyal fanbase and encourage them to become regular listeners of your show.

In conclusion, starting a podcast on Spotify for free is a great way to share your voice and connect with an audience. By following the steps outlined above, you can create your own podcast, upload episodes, market it effectively, and engage with your listeners to build a loyal fanbase. Remember to be consistent with your content and always strive to improve your podcasting skills to stay relevant in a competitive market.

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