3 Premier Sales Techniques To Win The Sale | OpenSesame

In sales, as in any other profession, the ability to communicate effectively is crucial. A misplaced word or phrase can sometimes cause more harm than good, especially when it comes to closing a deal. Here are 6 phrases that can potentially “kill” your sales deal according to HubSpot’s Sales Director.

3 Premier Sales Techniques To Win The Sale | OpenSesame

  1. “I’m not sure that’s possible”

This phrase can send a negative signal to the prospect, making them believe that you lack the ability to deliver on their needs. Instead, use language that instills confidence, such as “I’ll have to check on that and get back to you.”

  1. “Our prices are too high”

This phrase can be a deal-breaker if it’s not handled correctly. It’s important to listen to the prospect’s concerns and address them with solutions that fit their budget. Try saying something like “We can work with you to find a solution that fits your budget.”

  1. “It’s not a good time”

This phrase can make the prospect feel like you’re not taking their needs into consideration. Instead, ask questions to understand their situation and find out if there’s a better time to follow up.

  1. “I don’t know”

This phrase can make you look unprepared or unprofessional. Instead of saying “I don’t know,” try saying “Let me check on that and get back to you.”

  1. “Our product is better”

This phrase can sound defensive and confrontational, especially if the prospect doesn’t see the value in your product or service. Instead, focus on the benefits of your product or service and how it can solve their problems.

  1. “I don’t have time”

This phrase can make you look disinterested or uncommitted to the prospect. It’s essential to make time for your prospects and show them that they are a priority. If you’re too busy, suggest a different time to connect or pass the lead to someone else who can assist them.

In conclusion, effective communication is key to closing sales deals. It’s essential to avoid these phrases and use language that instills confidence, builds trust, and solves problems. By doing so, you can increase your chances of closing the deal and meeting your sales objectives.

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